MediaWiki API help

This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.

Documentation and examples:


(main | regexunblock)
  • Questo modulo richiede i diritti di lettura.
  • Questo modulo richiede i diritti di scrittura.
  • Questo modulo accetta solo richieste POST.
  • Fonte: RegexBlock
  • Licenza: GPL-2.0-or-later

Unblock users' names and IP addresses via regular expressions.


The blocked regular expression to unblock (may not actually be a true regular expression when exact blocking is used).

This parameter is required.

Un token "csrf" recuperato da action=query&meta=tokens

This parameter is required.
Unblock "" (which was presumably blocked with the "exact" option to block only that IP address from editing)
api.php?action=regexunblock&regex= [apri in una sandbox]
Unblock the regular expression "SpamUser.*" so that accounts like "SpamUser66" may be created and existing accounts with such names can edit the site.
api.php?action=regexunblock&regex=SpamUser.* [apri in una sandbox]