Computer network technologies and services

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Computer network technologies and services
Istituto universitarioPolitecnico di Torino
Corso di laureaIngegneria informatica (computer engineering)
PeriodoI anno (I semestre)
Numero di crediti6
DocentiMario Baldi, Guido Marchetto
Anno accademico2013-2014
Informazioni sugli appunti
AutoriLorenzo David, Luca Ghio, Riccardo Zaccone
Opera derivataWikibooks-logo.svg Computer network technologies and services
Versione stampabileComputer network technologies and services lecture notes (versione modificabile)
Altra lingua(IT) Tecnologie e servizi di rete
Statistiche superamento esami (2013-2014)
Iscritti totali51,32% (97/189)
Iscritti al primo anno60,87% (84/138)
  1. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/WAN/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/WAN}}|WAN]]
  2. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/MPLS/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/MPLS}}|MPLS]]
  3. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/IPv6/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/IPv6}}|IPv6]]
  4. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/Migration to IPv6/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/Migration to IPv6}}|Migration to IPv6]]
  5. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/VPN/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/VPN}}|VPN]]
  6. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/VoIP/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/VoIP}}|VoIP]]
  7. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/Quality of service/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/Quality of service}}|Quality of service]]
  8. [[{{#ifcategory:Traduzioni|Computer network technologies and services/Elements of security and cryptography/Computer network technologies and services|Computer network technologies and services/Elements of security and cryptography}}|Elements of security and cryptography]]